If you are new to Yoga, or are returning to Yoga after some time away, this 14 day introduction is the perfect place to begin or reawaken your practice.

Let’s Get Back to Basics

Did you take a break from your Yoga and movement routine this past year and are looking to come back to it?  Or maybe you are brand new to Yoga?  This challenge is also perfect for those of you that appreciate a more accessible approach to Yoga.

Yoga is most effective when we practice on a daily (or almost daily 🙂 ) basis.  Of course there are days that simply get away from us, but once you establish a regular Yoga routine you’ll be amazed at the changes you’ll notice in your body and physical health, your energy and emotional well-being!  Studies show that shorter but more frequent sessions are a lot more beneficial than one weekly 90 minute Yoga class.  Shorter, daily classes also make it easier to create a new habit and Yoga simply becomes part of your day.

Each session in the Yoga 101 Challenge is only about 20 minutes in length to help you explore a regular Yoga practice more easily. Each mini class is a complete practice focused on different elements of Yoga to offer you a nice blend of different practices!


TEACHER:   Ellen Cremer

STYLE:   Beginner, Intro

LEVEL:   Active & Relaxing 1

DURATION:   14 Days





Your Weekly Practices

SETUP YOUR PRACTICE SPACE:  Is there one dedicated space where you can leave your props so they are readily available?  Or do you like the flexibility to practice on your deck on sunny days?  Some privacy is helpful; plus consider turning off your phone, asking for some quiet time from family and keeping excited pets in another room.

PROPS: Here's a general list of props you should have on hand; you may not need all of these depending on the Challenge you're doing.  Plus, I announce at the beginning of each practice what you'll need that day.  Yoga props are easily found online or at a local sporting goods store.

• Yoga mat
• Two foam Yoga blocks, 4 inch width
• Blankets or pillows (optional: household blankets)
• Yoga bolster (required for most Restorative practices)
• Yoga strap (optional: belt or scarf)
• Therapy balls (only needed for self-massage practices; tennis balls work too)

SHOULD I EAT BEFORE PRACTICE? Try to avoid eating 1-2 hours before any activity; but as with all things, adjust to suit your needs and lifestyle.  Avoid caffeine before any relaxation practices.

PRACTICE EVERY DAY?  WHEN?  It's ok to skip days, take breaks and adjust the schedule to fit your needs!  Also each day has a suggested practice time (generally active in the morning, relaxing in the evening); but as always listen to your body and don't be afraid to experiment and modify.

RESPECT YOUR LIMITATIONS: It’s important to remember that not every single Yoga pose offered here is right for everyone, especially with old injuries or other limitations. Please be patient with yourself as you begin this journey and feel free to take breaks or modify as needed.

PRACTICE DETAILS and PROGRESS:  Next to each practice you'll find some notes on length, time to practice and what to expect (see sample to the right).  When you complete each practice, click the Mark Complete button to save your progress. As you move through the Challenge, you'll see the Progress pie chart change to reflect your progress.  You can always click the COMPLETED button again if you want to do that practice over again.

You are just about to do something really amazing for yourself!  And the decision to dedicate the next 14 days to a daily Yoga practice says so much about your intention to care for yourself, your health and well-being!  But before you begin, I’d like to invite you to get a little closer to what’s right at the heart of that intention.  I believe that being as clear as you can about what brought you to try this can help you stay on course with the challenge more easily! Perhaps you are dealing with some health issues that make you want to try Yoga to support your health?  Or are you looking for way to feel more balanced and at ease in yourself.  Maybe you are simply curious about trying something new? Take a few moments to reflect on this or journal if you like!

If you’re brand new to Yoga, welcome!  And you might want to review the ‘Instructions & Getting Started’ section above for more helpful suggestions.

Enjoy yourself and good luck! I’ll check in with you after the first week! 

Day 1 • Shoulders

Let’s bring some movement into the shoulders and upper back to increase mobility and strength and support your posture!

 Anytime • 22 min
Active 1

Day 2 • Legs

Ready for a great combination of strengthening and stretching postures for the legs. Of course we’ll include the upper body for a well-rounded class.

Anytime • 22 min
Active 1

Day 3 • Stretching

Enjoy this floor-based class focused on stretching poses to release tension in the connective tissue, muscles and joints.

Anytime • 26 min
Active 1

Day 4 • Lower Back

Yoga with a special focus on back care can be a valuable part of our practice.  Please be mindful if you are recovering from a back injury.

Anytime • 22 min
Active 1

Day 5 • Breath

Ready to explore one of the more subtle but perhaps also most important aspects of Yoga?

Anytime • 22 min
Relaxing 1

Day 6 • Twists

Great movements and postures to maintain a flexible spine.

Anytime • 23 min
Active 1

Day 7 • Balance

Let’s explore another important posture group in yoga!

Anytime • 22 min
Active 1

Completing seven Yoga sessions is quite the milestone already and I hope you are taking a moment to acknowledge your commitment!  And before you continue it can be helpful to briefly look back over the past week and reflect on your experience.  Did you enjoy some sessions more than others?  Perhaps you discovered a certain element in Yoga that has been especially helpful?  And what were some of the challenges you stumbled into? And did you learn from those moments too?  Sometimes trying something new can feel strange and unfamiliar; but when we notice those feelings and allow them we also have an opportunity to try be with these challenges a little differently. Our intention may be to explore our practice with a little more patience or gentleness.

Going forward into your second week see if there are any changes you’d like to make. Whether that’s rearranging your practice space, purchasing an additional Yoga prop, or taking a moment to revisit your intentions—or anything else that can support your Yoga practice!

Day 8 • Mindfulness

This class invites you to become more mindful and aware of the experience of movement and breath to help cultivate concentration and mental clarity.

 Anytime • 27 min
Active 1 & Meditation

Day 9 • Arms

Maintaining strength in the arms and shoulders is essential!

 Anytime • 23 min
Active 1

Day 10 • The Neck

Learn movements and postures to release tension and stiffness from the neck.

 Anytime • 18 min
Active 1

Day 11 • Relaxation

Treat yourself to a guided relaxation today!

 Anytime • 21 min
Relaxing 1

Day 12 • Hips & Hamstrings

A great combination of poses to increase strength & flexibility in the hips & legs.

Anytime • 25 min
Active 1

Day 13 • Core

A strong core is important to support your posture and lower back!

Anytime • 20 min
Active 1

Day 14 • Restorative Yoga

On this last day treat yourself to this relaxing Restorative Yoga class!

Anytime • 23 min
Relaxing 1

Congratulations! You finished the Challenge!

Completing this 14 day Yoga Challenge really is quite an accomplishment!  Well done! How do you feel?  Take a few minutes to reflect on any changes.  How does your body feel?  Your posture?  Were there any aches and pains that feel different now?  Or perhaps you notice feeling a little easier in yourself.  Taking note of these changes is really important and can help motivate you to keep your Yoga practice going.  And how does your experience of this challenge inform new choices? Perhaps you discovered preferences in styles and themes or; did you appreciate the variety of classes? You may simply repeat the same retreat and get more familiar with each class—or maybe you are ready to try something new?

Good luck on your Yoga journey and thank you for letting me be your guide!

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