At A Loss: Yoga Therapy for Grief
March 1 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Grief is intrinsic to the human condition, and felt with every loss we experience. Loss of a loved one, loss of a relationship, loss of work, loss of health and youth and the loss we feel when our world inevitably changes. But as difficult as the experience of grief can be, we can find relief by understanding and accepting grief’s inherent nature.
The movements and practices we’ll explore in this workshop are meant to support your body in addressing some of the physical symptoms of grief. But on a deeper level, this workshop is also about creating a space that allows you to be with yourself while feeling pain, loss or uncertainty. By honoring and turning towards our losses, with the curiosity of true inquiry, we can begin to understand our own process more fully; not only the difficulties, but also the opportunity for self-knowledge, compassion and connection.
This workshop includes gentle movement, stretching, relaxation, and an optional 5–10 minute reflection at the end to share key takeaways from the experience.