About Me

elcome. I am so glad you are here!
My name is Ellen Cremer, and I am a certified Yoga Therapist and Teacher. I specialize in gentle movements, mindfulness and other embodied practices to help you feel at home in your body and reconnect with yourself.
My offerings are about empowering you to rebuild your relationship with your own body and to share self-care tools with you that support your health and well-being! This work is deeply personal and as is true for many of us, I’ve experienced situations in life that left me feeling very disconnected from my body, and distant from myself.
Over the last few decades, I’ve studied various body-mind practices, discovering ways to heal my relationship with my body, appreciate its wisdom and return to a natural sense of wholeness and well-being. And I feel blessed to be able to share my insights with you!
But let’s step back a bit…
I was born and raised in rural Germany, where I cherished the simple joy of moving my body and spent my days running through the woods and climbing trees. As a teenager, I fell in love with dance and was so captivated by this art form that I decided to pursue professional training. Interestingly, while I thought I was very aware of my body, I realize now that I focused more on body control than body awareness. I frequently experienced pain due to injuries but ignored what was happening as I forced my body to keep going and perform.
My body also carried emotional scars of rejection and inadequacy. Not knowing how to be with this feeling of ‘not good enough’ that started to affect all areas in my life, I further disconnected from myself with distractions and unhealthy habits.
When I initially turned to Yoga for support in healing this divide, I encountered practices that were highly challenging and competitive. And despite the promise of fostering peace and tranquility, these practices inadvertently led me to further avoid my vulnerability.
I pushed harder, both in Yoga and life, striving to prove my worthiness to myself and others and ignored early signs of chronic health issues. Eventually diagnosed with Lyme disease, other tick-borne infections, and mold exposure, several symptoms like extreme fatigue, cardiac and digestive imbalances and chronic pain left me debilitated. In hindsight, chronic illness and pain was a catalyst, urging me to listen to my body’s needs, slow down, and turn inward. I gradually learned to embrace my vulnerability, allowing even the most delicate parts of myself to surface, be acknowledged, and ultimately resolved.
Through daily practices involving gentle movements, mindful breathing, and deep, intentional rest, my body slowly began to heal. No longer being in opposition to my body or emotional states, I learned to be present with the natural fluctuations of my inner experiences further cultivating a relationship of kindness and acceptance.
Through this journey, I’ve realized that embracing every facet of our experience is essential in revealing our innate well-being and wholeness. By avoiding or rejecting difficult aspects, we create separation not only from the unwanted parts but also from our natural aliveness, joy, freedom, laughter, and goodness.
If you’re ready to slow down, be kinder and gentler with yourself, and follow your body’s wisdom, let’s take this precious inward journey together. It’s time to return home to yourself.
Ellen’s Professional Background

- Bachelor Degree of the Arts, Palucca University of Dance Dresden, Germany
- Scholarship, Academy for Theater and Dance Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Freelance dancer and performer across Europe and New York City
- Certified Yoga Teacher at Atmananda Yoga, NYC, E-RYT 500
- Certified Yoga Therapist, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, C-IAYT
- Extensive teaching experience in group & private classes, corporate settings
- Personal meditation retreats with Vipassana and Adyashanti
- Workshops and Trainings in Shiatsu, Thai Yoga Massage, Fascia Release
- Additional Yoga Certifications: Restorative Yoga, Anatomy & Biomechanics, Prenatal Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Yin Yoga, Yoga for Grief, Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Mindfulness
About Mark

llow me to introduce my husband, Mark, my partner in crime for over a decade.
Mark and I crossed paths at a silent meditation retreat in California. We initially connected over our shared passion for Yoga and meditation. Only a year later, I relocated from NYC to California, Mark and I got married and began a new chapter here in the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains.
Feeling drawn to a more self-sustainable lifestyle, we took on the challenge of building a passive solar house by ourselves (mostly Mark of course 🙂 ) and cultivating our own food. It’s been an incredibly challenging and rewarding journey, as we’ve used our resources, ideas, and creativity to align more with core values like sustainability and mindful, intentional living.
Mark’s talents for building and creating are truly exceptional, qualities for which I’m immensely grateful. His resourcefulness, generosity, and unwavering support have enriched my life beyond measure. Mark, a former film professional (and yes, an Emmy award winner), is undoubtedly a blessing to our community. His skills and experience in graphics, website design, and, most notably, video production, adds tremendous value to this community. Mark is also known for his role in our customer support. Should you have any technical or account-related inquiries, you’re likely to find yourself engaging with him.
When Mark isn’t deeply involved in our Yoga community, he’s often found in his workshop or on our property, immersed in the art of building and creating!