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and Yoga Challenges


Professionally produced and presented, our classes are beautiful to watch and practice to.


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Special Workshops, Series and Online Classes.  Membership has it’s privileges!

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I’ve selected a dozen practices across a range of styles to give you a direct experience of my teaching.  Looking for something active to wake up?  How about a break from sitting at your desk?  A longer, restorative practice?  Let’s try some Yoga together!

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Want to See More?  Preview the Full Library

Below you’ll find our 447 Classes, as well as Specialty Workshops and Multi-Day Yoga Challenges.

Recently Added Classes

We regularly add new classes on a range of topics; plus, we take requests!

Browse Classes in the Library by Style

Members can browse through our many classes based on styles, themes or other qualities.

Active Level 1: Easy Yoga

These beginner-friendly practices are a great way to start exploring GCY’s Yoga library and evoke your curiosity about this rich practice.  A variety of fluid movement sequences and postures to help increase circulation and mobility combined with easy stretching postures will let your body and soul say…thank you! 

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Active Level 1-2: Beyond the Basics

While still an approachable class we explore a little more depth with active movements and strength enhancing postures. The combination of traditional Yoga poses and Ellen’s unique movement creations will help you build resilience and deepen your relationship with your body and yourself.   

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Active Level 2-3: A Stronger Challenge

Up for a challenge? Let’s dive deeper with GCY’s Yang Yoga practices! After an active warm up fluidly linking one pose with the next we’ll explore longer-held postures to help increase strength & stability. There really is no limit to the uniqueness of movements and postures in this class. Be ready for surprises! 

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Very Gentle: Seated Practices

Everyone can do Yoga at any stage of life. If a mat-based Yoga practice is not right for you try one of our Chair Classes. We start seated with easy movements focused on wrists, spine and shoulders followed by a few standing postures for balance. Class finishes with a short relaxation that can be done on the floor or couch. 

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Meditation, Breathwork & Relaxation

The title of this category speaks for itself: practices focusing on mindfulness, inward attention, breathwork and exploring the quieter mysteries found within.

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Inspiration & Support

Here are some classes to guide you in some more subtle areas: how to find inspiration for practice and how to give yourself support along the way.

Mindfulness Breaks
A short talk and suggestions on how to take Mindfulness off the mat and with you into your daily life.
Yoga & Inquiry • Belonging
Let Yoga guide you deeper into the most important questions. Ellen guides this exploration on the nature of Belonging.
Yoga for Challenging Times
A longer practice to help support you when confronting things in your life that are challenging.
Yin Yoga for Closure
A deep practice and inquiry into what it means to find closure. Start with something more active for a full class.
Relaxing: Yin & Restorative Yoga

With all the active classes offered make sure to treat yourself from time to time with one of these quieter practices. Restorative Yoga invites you to take some time to disconnect from all the changes and challenges in life to relax, nurture and renew. Yin Yoga practices focus on long-held stretching poses to release tension in the connective tissue of the body while inviting a deep inward focus, reflection and surrender. 

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Yoga à la Carte: Mix and Match

Want to get creative? This wide range of shorter practices invites you to put together your own sequences. Perhaps start out with a foot massage, followed by an active class like ‘Gently Energize’ and finish with a Guided Relaxation or Restorative Yoga…also keep these shorter options in mind for a busy day when there simply isn’t enough time for a full class! 

Behind a Desk? Try Office Breaks

Not exclusively for office workers, these 5 – 10min mini sessions are meant to help our bodies during long hours at work to avoid the impact of repetitive stress. A few minutes of movement or some simple stretches can come a long way in addressing a tight back, sore wrists and tired legs. 

Office Break • Posture 1
Take 5 minutes at your desk to give your posture a boost.
Office Break • Posture 3
5 minutes of simple movement and attention will help enliven your posture today!
Office Break • Posture 2
Another 5 minute practice to wake up and shake up your posture at work!
Office Break • Neck Check 2
A short break you can take at your desk to wake up and loosen up your neck!
Dive Deeper: Specialty Workshops

These 90-min practices on various topics are another great way to dive deeper into your understanding and exploration of Yoga. Each practice starts with a short lecture relevant to the specific theme. Please note that intensity level varies with Back Care Yoga being very accessible, Spring Detox & Core Connection offering a bit more of a challenge. 

Workshop: On Connection
A short but complete workshop exploring the nature of Connection in our Yoga practice and ourselves.
Workshop: Yoga Classics 2
Another homage to the classic forms and movements of Yoga.
Workshop: On Balance
A complete Workshop exploring the nature of balance—both inside and out.
Workshop: Yoga for Fatigue
A longer, Specialty Workshop focusing on the roots and ways to alleviate fatigue.
Yoga Details & Instruction

These videos are instructional in nature and feature an exploration and break-down of poses, techniques or philosophies presented in Yoga.  Expand your knowledge and deepen your practice with these hidden gems!

When the Body Says No
A short, personal talk on the challenge of accepting when your body is not living up to your expectations or demands.
Yoga Details • Home Setup
A short video showing the various props you'll need for a home practice, plus alternatives you might already have.
Yoga Details • Restorative vs. Yin Yoga
This short talk explores both the similarities and differences between Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga.
Yoga Details • On Sleep
Ellen offers a short talk on the issues around sleep trouble and practical considerations for improving your slumber.
Therapy Balls & Self-Massage

The stretching element in Yoga is so valuable but sometimes an additional tool is needed to get those stubborn knots in our muscles to let go. The use of therapy balls is a fun and creative way to address discomfort in specific areas while learning more about the architecture and anatomy of your own body. 

Yin Yoga w/ Therapy Balls 2
Explore a perfect combination of slow, deep Yin Yoga with the skillful use of therapy balls.
Yin Yoga w/Therapy Balls
A great mix of two deep, healing practices: Yin Yoga and Therapy balls for self-massage.
Neck Rescue
An 18-minute Yoga à la Carte practice called Neck Rescue. Use therapy balls and self-massage to help your neck!
Hips on the Ball
A 19-minute Yoga à la Carte practice called Hips on the Ball: a therapy ball self-massage for the hips.

Explore our Multi-Day Yoga Challenges

Ellen’s carefully hand-chosen practices will guide you over 7-28 days,
focusing on topics like strength building, relaxation, meditation and anatomy.